What’s New

This page gives the latest information on what’s happening at the BKFA.

Website update
The website has been completely revised during November 2017.

Chairman’s report
Jerry Swift, the BKFA Chairman, has written a report on the state of kiting as he sees it, which will be presented at the 2017 AGM. It can be found here.

Kite Accident Reporting form
We strongly believe that, like other airsports organisations, we should be largely self regulating. To help with this, we have drawn up a kite flier’s Code of Conduct and produced a Comprehensive Risk Assessment. To further strengthen our position, we believe that if we are seen to be pro-active in handling kite accidents or “near misses”, then we are less likely to have regulation imposed on us. To this end, we have created an online “kite incident” reporting form. This is based on the CAA incident form, but tailored to our specific needs. We strongly recommend that all kite fliers (not just our members) make use of the form where appropriate. At this stage, our aim is merely to collate statistics that can identify common safety issues with our sport. This will allow us to make appropriate updates to our Risk Assessments and Code of Conduct. Additionally, should the worst ever happen, it would strengthen the legal case to demonstrate that we have taken active measures to reduce the possibility of an accident as low as reasonably practicable. You simply complete the online form and email it to us. The form can be found here.

BKFA Insurance
From 1st May 2015 BKFA is able to offer an insurance policy for its member clubs and another for kite fliers when they are not at one of their own club events. Full details of BKFA’s insurance policy are on the website by following the ‘Insurance’ link at the top.

Annual General Meeting 2017
The 2017 AGM was held on Sunday 3 December 2017 in London. Minutes of the AGM can be found