BKFA Kiteflier’s Best Practice Code

This Best Practice Code is also referred to elsewhere as a Code of Conduct: we felt that this title better reflects the ‘Best Practice’ we hope all kite flyers aspire too, as it better reflects the concept of not only complying with the law, of staying safe, of keeping others safe, but also covers a degree of good manners. Would you want your quiet Sunday afternoon in your back garden spoiled by someone thrashing a two-line kite around so that is screams like a banshee?

The Code has been organised in terms of a few key objectives which, we hope, makes it simpler to understand.

In summary, these are –

  • Obey the law
  • Keep yourself safe
  • Keep others safe
  • Use the right kit
  • Look after the environment
  • Have good manners
  • …and for buggiers, obey the “Rules of the Road”.

The full Code is given here (in pdf format).

Kite Flying and Horses

The key points have been included in the BKFA Best Practice Code. The more detailed guidelines below are based on an original text provided by David Ford and amended in consultation with the British Horse Society.

These notes provide practical advice for kitefliers of all types when coming into contact with horses. The guidelines are particularly relevant to Power Kiting, Boarding, Buggies and Stunt/Aerobatic Kiting because their ground position is often rapidly moving – but they also apply to single line kites.

Generally, the sites used for kiting (downs, beaches and hillsides) are also popular with horse riders.

Horses are creatures of fright and flight – with the possible result of a frightened horse (weighing around half a tonne, potentially travelling at 45mph) tearing off taking all in its path – including you and your valuable kiting gear!

Horses can be unpredictable, fast, and they are very strong – whilst they are intelligent creatures with a mind of their own, some have been known to shy at a blowing leaf on a windy day! There are no reasons why Kitefliers and Horse Riders should not get along together provided that both parties observe a few guidelines of good practice: